The progression played by piano and bass? They may not even agree with one another, and the soloist may not always be relating to either of them. The "original" chord changes (harmonic progression)? There may be no authoritative set of changes.

Problems arise immediately in deciding which chords to use as reference points. 1 One early analytic tool would relate each pitch of a solo to the root of the chord in effect as that note is played (for example, noting a melodic leap from the 7th to the augmented 11th of a particular chord).

Overview of Various Approaches to Jazz Analysisĭownbeat magazine was regularly publishing transcriptions and analyses of jazz solos by the early 1950s. The three purposes of this article are: to present an overview of several methods for analysis of improvised jazz, including bibliographic references for further study to introduce an analytic format which approaches a synthesis of aspects of these methods and to apply that format to a classic solo, both to demonstrate the format and to acquaint the reader with a fine piece of music to share with students. Now that jazz is achieving respectability in educational circles and analysts are applying their diverse techniques to improvised solos, it is appropriate to review what is being done in jazz analysis and to suggest a direction for the future.